Crystal dont come much more super than this. Aso known as the Melody Stone or Sacred Stone.
These amazing crystals are found in only one place in the world – the Minas Gerais region of Brazil which is also called “Espirito Santo” meaning “'Holy Spirit”. They have a very high energy and an absolutely amazing healing vibration.
Super Seven Crystals are supposed to represent the universal brother & sisterhood of humanity. Although all of the 7 minerals it contains are not always visible (sometimes they’re just small particles), a piece of Super Seven still retains all of the properties of its combined components:
Amethyst - Clear Quartz - Smoky Quartz – Cacoxenite –Rutile - Geothite - Lepidocrocite
This is part of what makes Super Seven Crystals so powerful. It is also one of the few crystals that retains all of the energy & healing properties of each mineral & it never needs cleaning or energizing.
The Healing Properties of Super Seven Crystal
Super Seven is excellent for healing, balancing & energizing all seven Chakras.
Other Super Seven Crystal healing properties include the following.
- opens up all of your senses & helps you see auras
- stimulates & develops all types of psychic abilities including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, channeling & telekinesis
- a powerful stone for healing the earth
- reaffirms your personal power
- gives guidance to help you to change the vibratory level of the whole planet (ascension)
- helps you to develop a stronger connection with Spirit via your Crown Chakra
- approx 85mm x 40mm